Special Committees are made up of volunteers or assigned by the Executive Board if no volunteers come forward.
BYLAWS: Their responsibility is to look at the Bylaws, make suggestions, updates and changes to be brought before the membership. Chairperson - Stu Cunningham 309.258.0921, Terry Benson 630.768.8124, Laurie Grasser Nauman 815-857-3502, and Don Phelps 815.973.5300.
RULES OF THE RIDE: Their are responsible for updates and changes to the rules at the 100 Mile Trail Ride. Chairperson - Jenna Walker 309.253.8826, Kasey Considine 815.440.5749, and Michael Roll 309.208.9921.
RIDE LOCATION: They look into places and amenities to bring before the membership to vote on future 100 Mile Ride Locations. Chairperson Lisa and Robin Wall, Kristen Bowman and Matt Boelan
AUDITING: To review our Treasurers books. Nancy Larimore and Janeen Norquist.
FOOD: Their responsibilties are to look at different caterers in the area that the 100 Mile Trail Ride will be, bring back costs and menus to vote on. Chairperson Willy Clem 217.202.5943 and Penny L Clem 217.841.3079, Jan Bonnell 815.973.5262, Cindy Benson 630.300.8422, Michael Roll 309.208.9921.
SET UP / TEAR DOWN: To help set up/tear down meeting and events Chairperson Terry Benson 630.768.8124, Kasey Considine 815.440.5749, Brian Sorensen 630.816.7610, Matt Horton 815.674.4379, Justin Norquist 630-514-2193.
SPONORSHIP: Their responsible to help raise fund to cover band and other activity costs. Chairman: Willy and Penny Clem
ALL MEMBERS are on the membership committee....we need everyone's help to grow our group!